
Ubuntu 11.04でPropelを使った時に"Could not perform XLST transformation"が出る時の対処法

エラー内容 $ symfony propel-build-all ... [propel-sql] Processing: generated-schema.xml [propel-sql] Could not perform XLST transformation. Make sure PHP has been compiled/configured to support XSLT. 解決方法 # apt-get install php5-xsl Rea…

Ubuntu 11.04でPropelを使った時に"Unable to return 'affix' for unknown CreoleType"が出る時の対処法

エラー内容 $ symfony propel-build-all ... [phingcall] Unable to return 'affix' for unknown CreoleType: 解決方法 # vim /usr/share/php/symfony/vendor/creole/CreoleTypes.php const TEXT = 17; ↓ const TEXT = 30; //php 5.3.0 fix, using an unused…